Episode 2: Sas Petherick of Self Belief School & Self-Belief Coaching Academy


It’s fitting that our first guest is our good friend and mentor, Sas Petherick, Founder of the Self-Belief School and Self-Belief Coaching Academy, from which both Kate and Scott are certified. Sas is radically changing the course of the coaching industry and humanity’s relationships with self-doubt through evidence-based tools and techniques that help you navigate self-doubt and cultivate tangible and sustainable self-belief, self-acceptance, self-worth, and self-trust. We go deep in this episode from the jump and stay there, with plenty of laughter mixed in. She is simply hilarious, brilliant, and an absolute joy to chat with.

Where the conversation went:

  • Sas’ personal story of getting sober and leaving her corporate job highlighted how traditional work environments reward many behaviors we now would recognize as trauma responses — excessive overwork, numbing behaviors, using humor to deflect conflict, and more.

  • Sas’ hilarious retelling of her exit from her corporate job — “she wrote a poem that came true, and then visited a shaman” has us all giggling and unpacking the moment when everything changes in your career and life.

  • We discuss the unusual declaration of “actually liking oneself” and how disconcerting that can be for others to witness.

  • Kate wants to know all about the moment in Sas’ coaching business when she knew it needed to change again, and Sas shares how Self-Belief School and Self-Belief Coaching Academy (SBCA) were born.

  • Sas drops a truth bomb about our ability to discern risk vs. opportunity when we are in burn-out.

  • Scott and Kate share how SBCA bridged a massive gap they were experiencing in their own coach training and in the coaching industry in general.

  • We discuss how we’re typically taught to navigate doubt (get into conflict with it) and Sas invites a new way with her methodology.

  • We talk about how so many business owners (and Sas, too) resisted growth in their business to avoid the return to what they left behind in their corporate careers.

  • As always, Kate and Scott share their takeaways.

  • We laugh. A LOT. 

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Scott Robson

A certified business coach and Squarespace website designer.


Episode 3: Erin Loos Cutraro, Founder and CEO of She Should Run


Episode 1: Introducing Less Than Likely with Scott Robson & Kate Jaeger-Thomas